Career Services for Employers

Thank you for your interest in the Thayer School of Engineering! We appreciate your organization’s efforts to connect with our students and alumni. For recruiting purposes, Thayer Career Services adheres to NACE's Principles for Professional Practice. We offer a number of ways for you to recruit our students and alumni:

Job Offer Response Time

Employers must give students at least three weeks to decide whether or not to accept a full-time job offer, and at least one week to decide on an internship offer.

Contact Us

To discuss recruiting Dartmouth Engineers, email Thayer Career Services at or call 603.646.0630 and a member of our team will be pleased to talk with you about opportunities.

You can also email our office, Thayer Career Services, or call 603.646.0630

To recruit undergraduate Dartmouth students, contact Anne Lyford, Associate Director at the Center for Professional Development.

To recruit at Tuck School of Business, contact Sarah Van Orman with Career Services at Tuck.